Making Ageing Well Possible (Empower Ageing)

A verified charity event by Ray of Hope
Total Raised

Key Info

DATE & TIMEJune 30, 2024 12:00 am - December 31, 2024 11:45 pm


We are thrilled to introduce ourselves as a registered charity dedicated to making aging well possible for every senior. Founded in 2016 and recognised as an Institute of Public Character, our mission is to end senior isolation by reversing frailty and bridging the digital divide, one senior at a time.

Our programs focus on improving seniors’ physical health through evidence-based exercise routines and enhancing their digital literacy to help them stay connected and active.

Join us on this journey to empower seniors and create a more inclusive and supportive community. Stay tuned for updates on our initiatives and events!


Empower Ageing Objectives

The Objectives of the Charity are as follows:

To help and benefit the community in terms of the promotion of health and to provide relief to those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages by:

a) Creating accessibility to ensure that every older adult above 60 has the opportunity to age well.

b) Ensuring that what is needed to age well be made affordable to those who are vulnerable.

c) Promoting the ageing experience as exhibiting independence and quality of life.

d) Providing customised health solutions delivered to seniors in the form of community-based interventions and centre-based programming.

e) Building awareness among and imparting skills to seniors and equipping volunteers, caregivers and care professionals locally & overseas.

f) Advocating for how ageing can be made empowering and positive to the public and industry stakeholders through community outreach.

Government Matching Grants

Tote Board and the Government will provide dollar-for-dollar matching under the Enhanced Fund-Raising (EFR) programme for funds raised for this event/project.

Be the first to donate. :)

Peer to Peer Campaigns

These are campaigns started by private individuals to raise more funds for this charity event.

Create your own campaign and start rallying your friends for a good cause! 🙂